Tummy, Toes, Tongue and Feathers...

Oh, I had such fun this morning.
My Food Lady has two feather pens;
one has purple feathers and the other one
has green feathers.
She usually keeps them in the desk drawer,
but today she left the drawer open!!!
That's right - the purple feather pen was
practically calling to me to play with it.
What could I do???
Clearly there was only one thing to do...
Grab the feather pen and run to another room!
So, that is exactly what I did.
I fell down on the floor and twisted the pen around
to lick those purple feathers.
Then, I buried my face deep
into the purple feathers.
Actually, the purple feathers are kind of
tickley on my face and toes.
But the purple feathers are such fun to lick,
like I have my very own little purple birdie.
Oh, I love the yummy yummy tickley
purple feather pen.
I hope that the Food Lady doesn't hide
this great purple feather pen.
It really should be mine;
I certainly appreciate it more than she does!