My Porch in Springtime

China Cat and I love our porch in the Springtime.
As you see, we have practically
everything we need out there.
China has her cat grass,
but I don't understand the fascination with it.
However she seems to really like to eat it.
I've sniffed it but I don't ever eat it.
We also have our tent,
which is very nice for napping inside.
We have our fresh water in a plastic bowl
because sometimes I look to push it off.
Sometimes we have toys there too.
We love going out to the porch!
I just like to relax and watch
the birds, bunnies, squirrels and chipmunks.
China can't get enough of that cat grass! See, we even brought our squillions,
Sadie-Katie and Charlie, out with us.
They don't understand cat grass either. I do really like to drink water though
and it seems especially fun outside.
Springtime Life is Really Good!

Head on over to Scribblings
for the 157th edition

of The Carnival of Cats.