Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Cecilia and Madison


That's right, I'm not exactly in the garden this week.  I've been staying inside, taking a break from my gardening duties.  A girl has got to take a break now and then, right?  I'm turning the gardening over to Cecilia and Madison this week.  Not that they did much work.  Cecilia prefers chasing squirrels and mousies and Madison only likes to be outside for very short periods of time when it's cold 5 minutes or so.

Cecilia is a bit disgusted that mom and dad have not yet cleared out the garden beds.  Of course if i were outside more, then this would be done.   See, they are a bit useless without me around to snoopervise.

Cecilia, yes, I know there are still tons of leaves on the ground.  They do look very pretty with her fur colors!

Yeah mom, I think I'll keep you.

Madison is not thrilled with being outside.  He's going over to mom to ask to be let back in. 


We'd love to hear what's going on in your garden!  We won't get our Christmas tree for another couple of weekends so we will just have to be very patient and wait.