My Day Job

Most people know that I have a day job as a kitty blogger for PetMeds.  Every Monday I publish a new PetTalk blog post!
But did you know that there is a lot of other stuff on that blog during the other days of the week that kitties and doggies might be interested in? Today I will share some information about my fellow PetMeds bloggers.

On Tuesdays, there is a Pet Pharmacy post from Eddie, PetMeds pharmacist! You can learn interesting things about prescription and OTC medicines.  For example, one time he wrote a post about joint pain in dogs and cats and ways your mom can help you if you have painful joints! 

Dr. Marcus is a neurologist and professor at the University of Pittsburgh. She has two Wheaton Terriers that are therapy dogs! Every Wednesday, Dr. Marcus shares information about how a relationship with your dog can help improve your mom and dad's health. 

One of my favorites was called "Where Has Your Dog Taken You?"  Dr. Marcus explains that when you have a dog, a whole new world is open to you and the social connections that occur because of your dogs are good for your health and actually help you to live longer.
Our newest bloggers are Oliver and Dodger, AKA "Skipper and Slouch." These two dogs have lots of fun together, and you can read their adventures every Thursday

Bella, the adorable Pomeranian from the PetMeds commercial, writes a post every Friday.  Bella is my hero, because she has a beautiful wardrobe, she is a big supporter of Pomeranian Rescue, and she has all sorts of fun adventures. Here is a picture of Bella from her touching post about fostering dogs in need: 

On the weekend, you can read a post from Dr. Dym, a holistic veterinarian with over 19 years of experience and dedication to enhancing the overall health and well-being of pets. He writes about all sorts of medical things, like this post about diabetes in pets, for example.
If you would like to follow the blog, you can bookmark the PetMeds Blog or subscribe in a Reader if you use one, or subscribe by email!

Whew! That was a long post. Thanks for letting me share some information about my pet reporter-ing day job!

ps: Guess what?! I am the featured pet today on BlogPaws.  Hooray!