The bohemian scarf look

I bet you that, through the crystal ball of the last entry, you could see exactly what's coming: a look that has been firing not only my imagination, but that of many others and, since the beginnings of film, with Hollywood itself as a main contributor to creating a fad for exotic temptresses and their sultry ways...
A compound was born, out of mixed ethnic influences not only of gypsy background but coming also from various and exotic travel destinations such as Middle East, North Africa or Mexico (let alone the wonderful land of imagination), melted down to an inch of their life and whipped up in the most exciting hybrid: pure show. 
In spite of or perhaps due to its obvious artifice, this look, referred to as exotic, bohemian or sometimes gypsy (with or without cue from reality), responds to my theatrical taste. Not only that, but it is built around a much loved accessory: the good old scarf.

Jean White, via Doctor Macro

Theda Bara, the epitome of  the dark vamp, via ibitemyownteeth tumblr

Myrna Darby, via Doctor Macro

Carmel Myers, via Doctor Macro, the very pastiche of gypsy as created by Hollywood

 Lupe Velez and Dolores Del Rio, July 1928
 via legrandcirque tumblr

Clara Bow photographed by Alfred Cheney Johnston, via adeline's attic tumblr

Mary Brian, via Dotor Macro

Pola Negri via Valentino vamp tumblr

more Pola Negri, via gypsyeyesblog tumblr 

actress and opera singer Grace Moore, via valentino vamp tumblr

A lovely lady modelling a stunning scarf on etsy

Joan Blondell, via Doctor Macro

Bohemian scarf look on the catwalk (a previous collection of Galliano's, I think)

My own trials and tribulations...also seen here.