We Got Valerian Root!
When I saw that my friends at the Katnip Lounge got Valerian Root, I said that I wanted to get some myself. And guess what? They sent me and Harley some of their stash! I can tell by sniffing that it is going to be good.
Harley is already in love with the stuff!
They also sent a pretty card and some of our very favorite organic catnip. Those cats are all right! You might be wondering why I am posing with one paw behind my back. I do not know.
Hey, Harley! Stay away! I get to try this stuff first.
Nom, nom, nom! I decided to taste-test it first. It has a flavor. A GOOD flavor!
Now I think I will just roll around in it for a while.Sorry, Harley. It is all gone!
Ps: Do not worry, Harley got to have some, too! Thanks Katnip Lounge kitties!