An Awesome Song
While doing a few minutes of browsing around on YouTube I stumbled across this song. Why do I love it so much? Yes the video is adorable and the music is fun, but that's not why. It's because of this line:
And now with modified movie lines popping into my mind ("Fabric is my favorite"), it's time to try to get back to sleep!
"And if you were addicted to fabric, well you could fill a whole room in our house."
That brought a huge smile to my face during a sleepless night!
(As some of you know, I may or may not be addicted to fabric. Although in my defense I have not purchased fabric, other than to make gifts which have long since been made and given, for over a year. I haven't even used a gift card I was given to! So maybe I'm becoming a recovering addict. Maybe.)
I hope you all enjoy the song as much as I did!
And now with modified movie lines popping into my mind ("Fabric is my favorite"), it's time to try to get back to sleep!