Tabby Tattletale Tuesday
Hi there my furriends! Thank you for purring for me and sending me nice messages. As you know I was hauled off the to emergency v-e-t last week when I got all plugged up. It was NO FUN!
You can see in the photo that I've now got a "poodle paw" from where they shaved me. So...I don't have much to gossip about with my family because all the drama centered around me this past week. Is it gossiping if it's about you?
Come to think of's kind of nice when it's all about you. Mom has been fussing over me. I've been super good about taking my medicine and I know she's slipping stuff into my food to make things easier for me. This means I have to eat separate from everyone else. I liked it at first but now I just want to eat with the rest of the clan. Mom said it would be "bad" if the other kitties got my meal.