Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the House with Jonesie and in the Garden with Grete


Well my furriends, I'm still stuck in the house.  The weather here has been super cold and my paws are staying nice and warm inside while I spend time looking at my garden through the window.

I'm turning over the garden post to Grete woofie today.
Oh yeah....I'm SO excited today since daddy took me to the Rhododendron Gardens today!  Do you know how cool this place is?  No matter what time of year they have....DUCKIES!!!!

Here is the bridge that will take me to the duckies....

There they are!!!!  I barked at them quite a lot.  They didn't seem too concerned.

Silly duckies. 


Ok, let's admire the plants dad....SO boring....

It is still quite pretty and I can still smell so many wonderful smells.

More birdies to bark at!!!!   Thanks for letting me take over today Jonesie!