Momma Meezer Monday

Mail call!!!  What mom?  I have a package just for me???   Are you sure it's not for Cory?

See it is addressed to me...AND my most wonderful family, which includes my most amazing and adorable daughter, Cory.

It's a gift from the Katnip Lounge kitties!!!!  Oh...the box smelled GOOD!

Of course I'll share with you Figaro and my darling Cory. it....a....a...snakie toy!!!!!   Oh...::twitch:: it MUST BE KILLED!  Don't be shocked Figgy...

Before I kill my new snakie...I'll introduce it to one of my other snakie toys...who has been repeatedly KILLED by yours truly....

Cory will demonstrate the killing technique that I've mastered over the years.  Cory is demonstrating on our well killed current snakie new snakie toy knows what to expect.

Let's not put this off much longer...Figgy, don't eat all the valerian root and nip!!!  Save some for us!

Ok snakie!  Time to meet your maker!!!!! 

::kick kick::
::lick lick::

Oh, that was nice!

Thank you so much to my furriends at the Katnip Lounge for giving me a new snakie to kill...and of course we're loving the Valerian root and organic nip too!