Purr for Cory
Please purr with me.
My daughter Cory was stuffed into a carrier on Monday late afternoon and I haven't seen her since. I saw the door she went through with mom and dad...but she didn't come back. I waited by the door and when my mom and dad came back, they told me Cory was still at the vet. I even had a toy mousie waiting for her.
Mom said my Cory was peeing around the house...little bits on the bathroom floor, in the kitchen...she even tried to go into the litterbox room with my mom and...uh...well tried to imitate my mom. That didn't go over too well. Mom said that Cory wanted mom to see it, so we think Cory was asking for a bit of help.
Mom was hopeful that my Cory could come home tonight, but the phone rang and it was the vet who said Cory needed to stay the night so they could figure out the best way to help her.
I have only spent one night of my life away from my baby girl.
This is going to be hard.
Hey there! I was stuffed into a carrier and taken to the vet last night. The vet thought I was so adorable that he tried to steal my pee...and when I wouldn't cooperate he tried to steal me! They tried to bribe me to stay with chicken canned food but I was not fooled. I finally decided to go ahead and let them have my pee (weirdos) so they would let me go.
I am now home. Mom said they are waiting for results of tests...don't have any idea what they are "testing". Figure my pee will end up in a kitty museum or something like that. I am famous. I do have a blog you know.