Out on a Limb No. 9 plus Features

Thank you to everyone who linked up to the party last week! We had lots of great projects. Here's a few of them:

Sharon at Sweet Pea and Pumpkins made some yummy letter-shaped donuts

Gillian at The Lackadaisical Willow crocheted an absolutely adorable fox beanie

Emily at Nest Nesting Nested created a beautiful lampshade with vintage lace

and Chantelle at Thousand Square Feet sewed up a fun apron using brightly colored fabric

Be sure to grab a featured button from my sidebar! (Sorry, I didn't realize it wasn't there before!)

Now for this week!

Come link up any creative projects from your blog. The linky will remain open until Saturday night. (Please keep it family friendly).

**Please grab the button (or use a text link) and put it anywhere on your blog (your post, sidebar or party page).** I would like to get more participation and be able to help promote fellow bloggers!

Out on a Limb Tuesdays with Cat on a Limb