Tuxie Tuesday

Hey there!

It's about time I got some blog time.  Thanks to my good furriends Ayla, Iza and Marley I finally am getting my paws on this blog.

Seems my sister Jonesie revealed that one of my nicknames is G-Moo.  My furriends wanted to know more about how I got the name.

See...when I first arrived here, I was just hanging out in the garden.  My mom and dad give names to every cat that strolls through on a regular basis.  Since I has been hanging out and showed promise of never leaving, they had to call me something.

Because of my gorgeous milk moustache, they started calling me "Miss Got Milk".  Silly, I know, but hey who was I to argue?  They were feeding me! 

As it goes with lazy humans, saying the whole thing was just too much for them, so they shortened it to G-Moo.  That's how their crazy minds work.

Crazy...but I love them!