Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie

::3 paw taps::

"Comin' Outta My Ears"

My bestest furriend in the whole wide world, Alfie Marshall (age 2), passed along a fun meme!

I have to answer questions and stuff...

The first question is kinda embarrassing...for a modest cat...

Do I think I'm HOT?

I'll let you decide...modesty prevents me from answering.

Ok, now I've got to upload a picture or wallpaper we are using:

Mom is kinda nuts over this graphic of Cory and her momma Ellie.  Our lovely friends at Zoolatry created this for mom and it's been the wallpaper on mom's computer ever since.

When's the last time we ate chicken?

Are you kidding me...Cory lives here.  We get chicken Fancy Feast every day! 

What is the song we've listened too most recently?

Besides Figaro snoring while he's supposed to be watching the garden grow...we listened to Cory's sock song.  It's a beautiful thing.

What are we thinking while we are doing this?

It's clear Figaro is not thinking of anything...and I'm thinking about this years basil crop.

Do we have nicknames?

  I'm called Joanie Jett and Jones and a few more things I'll never admit.   Grete is sometimes call Lou Lou.  Figaro is call Figgy and Figster.  Cory is Mitten and Ellie is Momma.   Bennette is Ben Ben and G-Moo.  Cecilia is Ceelee.  Madison forbade us from revealing his nicknames.  Nigel really doesn't have any because mom feels he got the perfect name for him, so no reason to call him anything else...unless it's just goofy lovey things.

And Ginger...don't get me started... 

Now I'm supposed to tag 8 furriends.

I'm getting sleepy and want to tag ALL of my garden society furriends.  Leave a link and consider yourself tagged!