Out on a Limb No. 6

I'm beginning to get more than a little frustrated that I haven't been able to get my husband to help me move in my new cabinet so I can complete the set-up of my creative space (and move some other things into storage which I can't fit in there until the cabinet is out!). Everything is still in boxes and I've been itching to work on some more projects. Usually when I can't get help I just end up doing it myself, but unfortunately this is one thing I can't move on my own! :)

I did actually finish another project, but it's being saved for my very first guest post ever! I'll let you know when it will be posted.

So here we go with another week of Out on a Limb!

Since my "brand name" is Cat on a Limb you can only link up projects or creations where you went "out on a limb" in some way. Either a technique you've never tried before, or a tried and true technique applied to a new object, or something 100% new to you. I'd love to see how you all stretch your creativity (please keep it family friendly).

**Please grab the button and put it anywhere on your blog (your post, sidebar or party page).** I would like to get more participation and be able to help promote fellow bloggers!

Out on a Limb Tuesdays with Cat on a Limb