Tabby Tattletale Tuesday
Hi there, Ginger here! After reading what Cory wrote yesterday, I thought I was gonna hack up a hairball! I mean dad disappears, Grete is having a woofie hissy fit, mom abandons us to see ::gasp:: other kitties...views toys beyond our wildest dreams and doesn't give us a single one of them! And Cory is all like...oh yeah, that's ok...isn't that other cat cute and awesome.
Easy stomach.
I'm calling the ASPCA!
Hand me the remote, I'm gonna change the channel to a place where cats like me are treated like royalty. Maybe I can teleport over to Australia or someplace like that...
Mom said we have ::shudder:: too many toys. I'll have you know I was not the one who tipped over this small basket of toys. Mom was muttering about how this is just a wee bit of the stash we have, why should we complain?
The nerve!
I'm gonna console myself by bunnykicking a nip nanner.