Today I am going to model the fabulous Christmas present I got from my extra-special friend, the super-handsome
Skeezix! I could tell it would be a wonderful present on account of the beautiful Hello Kitty gift wrap and the fancy pink tape!

First, I got my very own Skeezix ornament! This is my very most favorite ornament of all time.

And I got this walking dress! I call it a "walking dress" because it comes with a coordinating leash, so it is perfect for a casual stroll.

It came with this jaunty hat, but I had some trouble wearing it correctly because I got a small head.

It was a little bit cold and windy this day, but I really wanted to try my walking dress outdoors. Can you see the water drops that fell on my head?

Here I am dreaming of
Skeezix. And also looking out for alligators.

Thank you so much, Skeezix! You are the Mancat of my dreams!