Fix it Friday #84 - I {Heart} Faces - Highlights Fixed! - Photo Edits
It's another "Fix it Friday" over at I Heart Faces!
This time it was a real challenge with bright highlights and some focus issues to try to correct.
Here is the original by Keli Hoskins.
I tried to keep detailed notes about all the steps that I took in Lightroom 2 and Photoshop CS3. Although when I was trying to get the exposure on the face right I did a bit of that without writing down exactly... so it's a little bit approximate when it comes to that area of the photo.
The photo started off in Lightroom.
My first edit:
I cropped a bit to remove the walkway lamp, upped the temperature to 5333 and changed the tint to 14.
I pushed the recovery slider to 100, and brought the brightness down to 46.
I upped the saturation to 19, luminance to 26 and blacks to 10.
Here's where I started fussing with the adjustment brush on "exposure". On the bright edge of the face, the hat and the foot I did a layer set at -.25. On the brightest edge of the chair I did a layer set at -1. Then I brightened the entire face with a layer at +.2. It didn't seem to be enough so I did another layer on all of the face except the brightest edge at +.4.
At this point I duplicated the photo so I could do another edit, then opened this edit in Photoshop. I duplicated the layer I ran a "high pass" filter on the top layer, set it's mode as "overlay", then erased everything except the face and the center of the hat (the outer edges of the hat I erased to give it a more gradual sharpening effect. That way the face is sharpened, but not the rest of the photo.
Then I added a subtle vignette (I will do a tutorial post on that soon), and a little blur tool on the cheeks to soften them.
My second edit:
This was a duplicate of my first edit after I fixed the highlight problem in the face.
I cropped closer to focus on the face and hands. (Do you see those adorable drool bubbles?)
I played a little bit with the levels of the colors under the "grayscale" menu in Lightroom.
I also upped the contrast to 30.
Then I brought the photo into Photoshop, did the same sharpening, blurring and vignette.
That was fun! And I think I was actually pretty successful with evening out the highlights on the face!
Now for an update -- I've been making slow but steady progress on the most beautiful chair. But now I have to wait for some supplies to come in the mail. Darn, I hate waiting! But I'm so excited to finally finish it (and post the step by step)!