What I wore...

All I wanted was a good pic of this nice old dress, but no such luck! Trying to make up for it with the quantity, but it doesn't quite work. Instead, I give you...a mighty mess...in midnight blue.
This is what I wore at the Christmas meal with the people from my new job. A last minute change, as I had in mind something else, but when I heard the dress code was smart casual I thought I'd better make an effort to blend in. It was a good try, if nothing else.
Why ever does the word "casual" come up in association with an evening do?...It beats me.
But I should make it a resolution for the year to come not to notice anymore details of the kind. Although, the question comes to mind: what would I be without the little things that bug me?!...
Still, most of the time I manage to be pretty oblivious to what's going on around me. I guess I can only wish for more consistency in 2011.