Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

I love to lick mom's fingers.  They taste pretty good.  I love that she remembered to bring me turkey leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner.  Mom did not cook for us and so while we waited patiently for mom and dad to return home we never doubted that they would come in the door with a bag full of bird for us.

Grete got invited in for dinner but got a little bit upset by our 3 little cousin woofies.  She asked to go back to the car and wait.  Grete's a little silly that way.  It turned out ok, because we ended up sharing our turkey with her. There was plenty to go around.  I think she didn't want to eat without us kitties by her side.

I put the bitey on moms fingers sometimes too, but only nice and gentle.  I've got to be good now that Santa has started watching me.

I gave mom and dad a funny scare on Monday night.  I like to go outside to do my business (you wouldn't expect me to share a litter box with mancats would you?).  I went outside for a few minutes and when I came back to the door to come inside, my mom smelled skunk!  She was all nervous because she didn't know if I had been skunked or if the skunk was just out there somewhere.  When I came in mom gave me a nervous sniff and then was so happy that I didn't stink.  I got hugged a lot when she realized it was just sweet smelling me!