Of skinnies, pinafores & bf shirts

No specific theme for today. Can't fine anything to tie the items together... well, so this will be a rojak post. LOL! Let's move on.

1. Coloured Skinny Jeans: RM45
Transferred to Bargain Bin!!

Spotted! All over Yahoo! Taiwan's online boutiques!!

Spotted! Rock it like Hayley Williams from Paramore! Yeaaaahhhhh!

Cat Purr: We searched high & low for these and our effort was answered! :p Were totally blown away when we saw these low rise candy coloured skinnies. It's time to colour up your closet with these eyepopping (in a good way that is) sugars.

LP001: Hot Pink (S, M, L); Salmon Pink (S, M, L); Yellow (S, M, L)
Measurements: All measurements in inch

Material: Jeans (semi stretchable)

That's all for today. If you have any order, pls drop us a mail at: catinabowl@gmail.com