I am loving the True Love Road Trip
I am really enjoying myself on Lucky's True Love Road Trip!
China Cat and I joined everyone at Daisy's in Florida.
I couldn't believe it when I saw
that Daisy made Lizard Stew for all of us.
I have never even seen a real lizard before
and here I am in Florida, eating Lizard Stew!
Daisy really was a great hostess!
Daisy wanted to make sure that Lucky
would look her best when we get to Luxor's house.
So, they looked in Daisy's closet
and found that Pixie's Pink Robe was perfect.
Pixie said it was OK for Lucky to borrow her robe.
Doesn't she look lovely!
Now this was really exciting...
Samantha & Tigger actually had some buses
teleported over from Wales so that we could all ride together.
I hate riding in the car in my PTU
but we all could just roam all over the bus,
eating snacks and visiting!
How cool is this!!!
Here is a picture someone took of us in one of the buses.
China Cat was singing "On The Road Again" to me.
I was thinking how can we be on the road again???
We've never been on the road before!!!!
Moe and Mindy even let me drive the bus for a little while.
Well, only until Mindy noticed an alligator out of the window.
I had mentioned at Daisy's that I was staying inside
in case there was an alligator in her yard.
I think that I would be very much afraid if I saw an alligator.
She suggested that Moe had better drive
which was an excellent idea as I did almost pass out
when I saw this huge creature out of the bus window!
When we got to Galveston Missy and KC had packed up
a party picnic basket full of snacks, kitty grass and sparkling water
for the 20 mile ride out to the Gulf of Mexico.
There was a lot of water which meant lots of fresh seafood.
We all enjoyed a superb seafood buffet!
I have been eating since we left Florida!
Then we went to Lubbock to see Angus Mhor.
I was terrified by this tornado but Angus was our hero
and we landed safely at his ranch!
Angus seemed a little surprised
when none of us wanted to try the horned toad.
He thought since we all liked the Lizard Stew,
why not try a horned toad?
Anyway, he did treat us to some fine Roadkill Armadillo.
I think he said that it was fresh?!
But it tasted kind of chickeny so I liked it - I love chicken!
Before we knew it, we reached New Mexico.
Lucky was so excited to meet up with Luxor.
Oh, it was so romantic...
They even have a lovely graphic from Zoolatry
to remember their meeting!
China Cat and I joined everyone at Daisy's in Florida.
I couldn't believe it when I saw
that Daisy made Lizard Stew for all of us.
I have never even seen a real lizard before
and here I am in Florida, eating Lizard Stew!
Daisy really was a great hostess!

would look her best when we get to Luxor's house.
So, they looked in Daisy's closet
and found that Pixie's Pink Robe was perfect.
Pixie said it was OK for Lucky to borrow her robe.
Doesn't she look lovely!

Samantha & Tigger actually had some buses
teleported over from Wales so that we could all ride together.
I hate riding in the car in my PTU
but we all could just roam all over the bus,
eating snacks and visiting!

Here is a picture someone took of us in one of the buses.
China Cat was singing "On The Road Again" to me.
I was thinking how can we be on the road again???
We've never been on the road before!!!!

Well, only until Mindy noticed an alligator out of the window.
I had mentioned at Daisy's that I was staying inside
in case there was an alligator in her yard.
I think that I would be very much afraid if I saw an alligator.
She suggested that Moe had better drive
which was an excellent idea as I did almost pass out
when I saw this huge creature out of the bus window!

a party picnic basket full of snacks, kitty grass and sparkling water
for the 20 mile ride out to the Gulf of Mexico.
There was a lot of water which meant lots of fresh seafood.
We all enjoyed a superb seafood buffet!
I have been eating since we left Florida!

I was terrified by this tornado but Angus was our hero
and we landed safely at his ranch!
Angus seemed a little surprised
when none of us wanted to try the horned toad.
He thought since we all liked the Lizard Stew,
why not try a horned toad?
Anyway, he did treat us to some fine Roadkill Armadillo.
I think he said that it was fresh?!
But it tasted kind of chickeny so I liked it - I love chicken!

Lucky was so excited to meet up with Luxor.
Oh, it was so romantic...
They even have a lovely graphic from Zoolatry
to remember their meeting!