BKC Theme: Clean or Dirty
The Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
is over at This, That & The Other Thing.
Poor Amber is having problems with her long fur
but she's still ready for the Festival.
The Theme this week is Clean or Dirty.
Now I thought it would be very easy
for me to find a nice picture of me grooming.
After all my Food Lady is always after me
with that flashy box.
Much to my surprise,
there were only a few pictures of me grooming!
What's up with that???
I am a very clean cat!
Look how my white furs shine!
I think I'll go groom now,
not because I like the flashy box,
but apparently we need
more grooming pictures of me!
And don't forget to head over to Justin's Random Thoughts
for the 190th edition of Carnival of the Cats.
is over at This, That & The Other Thing.
Poor Amber is having problems with her long fur
but she's still ready for the Festival.
The Theme this week is Clean or Dirty.
Now I thought it would be very easy
for me to find a nice picture of me grooming.
After all my Food Lady is always after me
with that flashy box.
Much to my surprise,
there were only a few pictures of me grooming!
What's up with that???
Look how my white furs shine!
not because I like the flashy box,
but apparently we need
more grooming pictures of me!
for the 190th edition of Carnival of the Cats.