BCK: On Purpose or On Accident
It's time for the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
and the optional theme is: On Purpose or On Accident.
So, there are bands in my food bowl and in my water bowl...
It could have been an accident or it could have been on purpose?????
~~~ what's that over there??? ~~~
~~~~~~~ it's still in my water bowl... ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~ what, now food too??? ~~~~~~~~
~~~~~ maybe I can get it... ~~~~
~~~~I'd really like some food... ~~~~~~~
~~~~ China, do you think that you could look up
and be really cute and get some food for us???????~~~~~
~~~~I don't know.....maybe......~~~~
~~~~Hi, did you notice that the kitties are hungry?????~~~~~~
We finally have some food... 
And don't forget,
Weekend Cat Blogging is at Paulchen's Food Blog,
the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is being hosted
by Kashim & Othello at The Catboys Realm and
Carnival of the Cats is over at Pet's Garden Blog.
and the optional theme is: On Purpose or On Accident.
So, there are bands in my food bowl and in my water bowl...
It could have been an accident or it could have been on purpose?????
and be really cute and get some food for us???????~~~~~
And don't forget,
Weekend Cat Blogging is at Paulchen's Food Blog,
the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is being hosted
by Kashim & Othello at The Catboys Realm and
Carnival of the Cats is over at Pet's Garden Blog.