Fun Friday with a New Toy!
China Cat and I entered
Dragonheart's Scavenger Hunt Contest
and guess what?
We were two of the winners.
Dragonheart sent us our prize in the mail and it's here!
I really like envelopes
because they usually have some tape on them.
I am one of those cats that really like tape...
Anyway, I was so excited to see what was in the envelope.
Wow, it's a Curly Lamb with catnip!
I went right for that catnip bag - yum!!!
My Food Lady had to take it away from me
so she could put it into Curly Lamb.
I liked the cardboard that Curly Lamb came on.
I can certainly be a Cat With An Attitude!
I was playing with Curly Lamb
but then I was momentarily distracted
by a bird flying by the screen.
I really like Curly Lamb...
Curly Lamb smells very catnippy...
OK, let's play some more...
Dragonheart, thank you so much for Curly Lamb!
By the way, the note that came with Curly Lamb
said that he came from The Animal Rescue Site
and when he was purchased 14.0 bowls of food
were provided to animals in shelters.
Isn't that terrific!!!
Dragonheart's Scavenger Hunt Contest
and guess what?
We were two of the winners.
Dragonheart sent us our prize in the mail and it's here!
because they usually have some tape on them.
I am one of those cats that really like tape...
Anyway, I was so excited to see what was in the envelope.
I went right for that catnip bag - yum!!!
My Food Lady had to take it away from me
so she could put it into Curly Lamb.
I can certainly be a Cat With An Attitude!
but then I was momentarily distracted
by a bird flying by the screen.
By the way, the note that came with Curly Lamb
said that he came from The Animal Rescue Site
and when he was purchased 14.0 bowls of food
were provided to animals in shelters.
Isn't that terrific!!!