My Nose Twin...
I was looking all over trying to find a Nose Twin
so I could accept George's Challenge.
Much to my surprise,
last night I discovered
who could be a Nose Twin of mine.
Why, it's the Grate Jeter Harris, himself.
I kept looking back and forth, at him and at me,
and I do believe we do look somewhat Nose Twin-like.
Then I found a picture of Jeter
with his squillion, Laffin an Laffin
and look here I am with my squillion, Sadie Katie!
This morning I found another possible Nose Twin...
look it's Lucky Charmz.
We look a lot alike too! This was a fun Challenge!
so I could accept George's Challenge.
Much to my surprise,
last night I discovered
who could be a Nose Twin of mine.
Why, it's the Grate Jeter Harris, himself.
and I do believe we do look somewhat Nose Twin-like.

with his squillion, Laffin an Laffin

look it's Lucky Charmz.
We look a lot alike too! This was a fun Challenge!