Tummy Toesday
I am so happy on the newspaper.
I do this almost every day.
After breakfast
my Food Lady always reads the newspaper.
After she reads a section,
she tosses it to the end of the couch.
That is so the "read already"
and the "unread" sections don't get mixed up.
I like to jump over her to the "read already" sections
and roll around.
It always gets her attention and she stops reading
and pets me and tells me how cute I am.
Sometimes she takes pictures of me
when I am especially cute...
like today!
That's what I do - I roll on my Food Lady's newspaper.
I do this almost every day.
After breakfast
my Food Lady always reads the newspaper.
she tosses it to the end of the couch.
That is so the "read already"
and the "unread" sections don't get mixed up.
I like to jump over her to the "read already" sections
and roll around.
It always gets her attention and she stops reading
and pets me and tells me how cute I am.
Sometimes she takes pictures of me
when I am especially cute...
like today!
That's what I do - I roll on my Food Lady's newspaper.