Do a Good Turn Daily

LOOK at ME! This is my SCOUTING outfit.  It has a real TIE and BADGES and stuff.  I am very PROUD to wear this UNIFORM so I am SMILING and SMILING with HAPPINESS! NEXT I will try to EARN a MERIT badge for FISHING.  Ooops, my line got TANGLED up. I might get a DEMERIT...

The return of the tie

 I've been wearing this 2 (out of 3) piece ensemble a lot lately, it is one of the most successful knit projects in between mother and I, to my mind. Husband's now teasing me with a German sounding nick name he thinks appropriate for a bad ass governess. The outfit certainly...

A Day in the Life of Daisy

I love weekends because I get to spend a lot of time having fun with my Mommeh.  Here are just a few things I got to do last Sunday:I started off with a good stretch and scratch.Upstairs play time! I'm ready to leave this room now.Downstairs play time with the Neko Fly fishing...

Thursday Reflecting in the Garden with Jonesie

Today there will not be an official meeting of the Society of Feline Gardeners. Just a moment of quiet reflection in the garden remembering Poppy Vic.  Our purrs go out to Ann, Maggy and Zoey, and their entire fami...

Wordless Wednesday: The Harleymaniac from Daisy's Perspective


Meow Like a Pirate Day

 In honor o' Meow Like a Pirate Day, Alfie and I have taken over a ship and plan in stealin' it's stash o' nip booty. Meanwhile on another ship, Jonesie it sailin' away t' spread t' love o' gardenin' around t' world!"